how to change domain

How to Change Domain? (Domain Changing Guide 2022)

Since the huge growth of the internet and billions of different websites and social media platforms, owning a catchy and reachable domain can be hard. You might want to change your domain-name for various reasons, and we will tell you how to do that. 

Domain Change and Transfer

If you don’t like your domain name, your business name has changed, or the domain name you have doesn’t get any traffic from search engines, you can change or transfer your Domain.

To change the Domain on website builder;

  • Login to your account.
  • Click domain control panel settings.
  • Click on the website builder icon.
  • Tap on Options and Change Domain.
  • Choose the Domain you’d like to use and apply.
  • Follow the instructions and make changes, click Save, and Publish.

Setting up a redirect 301 page is also necessary after you change your name to lure your old visitors to your new address so that when they go to your old Domain, they can see the new website.

  • From your account, go on settings in your cPanel.
  • Click on a redirect in the submenu, fill the form with the needed information.
  • Type the previous address and the new address that visitors will be redirected to.
  • Click add this redirect and go back to the main page to verify.
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If you don’t like your domain registrar, you need to transfer or switch to a new one. You may find a better registrar price or service wise and decide to transfer your name. Each registrar has a different way of transitions, so make sure you check the process before. 

Transfer the SERP Positioning

To get a higher position in SERP placement, the most effective SEO figure is Domain. Having a domain with high authority will get your ranking in the search results increased. The age of your Domain, type of your top-level or subdomain, content quality, and bounce rate are the most important factors for SERP.

change domain

FAQs on Changing Domain

Can I switch my domain extensions?

You cant change your current domain extension, but you can purchase the same name with an available other domain and redirect your old one to the new. 

Is the redirection permanent?

Yes, the 301 redirect page is a permanent redirect so that your visitors can find your new address.

Do you need to have a backup of your website?

When changing domain names, you should backup your website just if it goes wrong, and you need to start over. You can use different hosting plans, which automatically saves a backup.

Conclusion of Domain Change

With this article, how to change Domain is explained. Regardless of the reason, we hope we helped you change and switch your name.

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